They say you only get the chance to raise your children once, so I’m making a conscious effort to live the little things. Going with the flow, letting the housework slide and squeezing in some fun activities. The dishes can wait and the girls are willing to do a quick tidy up, if it means they get out the door quicker!
Continue reading “Live the little things”Kids Cooking Classes with Chef Cat Clarke – Isolation Chronicles
With all the physical distancing restrictions, it is easy to feel isolated and lonely. However, there are so many opportunities to connect, especially online. Over the last year, I have become “Instagram Friends” with Cat Clarke. In other words, we haven’t actually met in person, but we comment regularly on each other’s posts and send direct messages. When I discovered Cat was running kids cooking classes, via Instagram Live, I jumped at the opportunity.
Chef Cat Clarke via Instagram Live, stepping my daughters through a recipe
Few of my favourite things
Every day my eldest daughter and I play a game where we chat about her 3 favourite things, what she liked most about her day. We play this in the car on our way home or as we lay in her bed at the end of the day. It always amazes me the little things that matter most to her. I try to predict her responses, but often my guesses don’t appear in her list.
My daughters sitting under a tree on our farm
5 reasons why I started a blog
1. I’m aspiring to inspire
This blog is a collection of stories, events and resources for people who want to connect with their community. There are many people out there who are looking for help/solutions/ideas to genuinely connect and to live the life they love.
I’m hoping readers will find inspiration in my writing to step outside their comfort zone. Whether that be to attend an event, volunteer on a committee or even run a similar event in their community.