They say you only get the chance to raise your children once, so I’m making a conscious effort to live the little things. Going with the flow, letting the housework slide and squeezing in some fun activities. The dishes can wait and the girls are willing to do a quick tidy up, if it means they get out the door quicker!
Flying the kite dressed as butterflies
I’ve been on a mission lately to spend as much time as possible outside. Letting them be little, going on treasure hunts, flying kites and drinking in the spring air.
Escaping to the paddocks filled with canola. Focusing on the present moment, listening to the bees buzzing from yellow flower to yellow flower. Watching the sun poking out of the clouds, beaming down on the canola, making it so bright I squint.
I’m enjoying the slower pace and the privilege of watching them grow up in the country. Picnics under our favourite blossom tree and spending time with my little family.
The dog is never far away, hoping for some scraps! Next year my oldest will be off to School and picnics will be a novelty.
Cheers to picnics and cheese and vegemite sandwiches
The girls beg me to dust off the old picnic basket and use the fancy glasses (plastic wine glasses from a music festival, but precious in their eyes)!

The menu is simple, sandwiches with fruit for dessert. Sometimes we step it up a notch with some baking, like Nanny’s jam drop biscuits.
Some days are hard, I feel exhausted, trapped and isolated. This is when I try to slow down and appreciate what is around me. One of the upsides of living in the country is the wide-open spaces and the freedom that comes with it. The days are long, but the years are going by so fast. When I look back, I will be glad we took the time to live the little things.
My daughter loves taking photos
What works for you when you feel overwhelmed? What did you love doing as a child?
For more adventures follow along with us on Instagram.
I loved feeding the cooks, patting the horse and hugging the dogs!
Building cubby houses and picking blackberries