Live the little things

They say you only get the chance to raise your children once, so I’m making a conscious effort to live the little things. Going with the flow, letting the housework slide and squeezing in some fun activities. The dishes can wait and the girls are willing to do a quick tidy up, if it means they get out the door quicker!

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4 ways to support local business

We all want to see our favourite businesses survive these uncertain times. Here are 4 simple ways to support local business.

1. Shop Local

Buy from the fabulous folks of the Grampians. Purchase from the makers, the creatives, and growers. Small businesses are really struggling. If the option isn’t available, or you are not in a position to shop locally, there are numerous other ways to show support.

2. engage and connect

Comment on posts, stories and blogs. Respond to polls and questions so that your favourite account doesn’t feel like they are just talking to themselves. Tag your friends in a post if you think it is something that they might be interested in.

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Royal Mail Hotel Dunkeld Kitchen Garden Tour

Happiness is exploring the Royal Mail Hotel kitchen garden, with the Head Chef creating an amazing meal for you. It is a perfect way to appreciate where your food comes from. Knowing that the majority of the food on your plate is grown and harvested from the neighbouring farm and kitchen garden , adds to the memorable experience.

Head Chef, Dave Sullivan recently led me on the kitchen garden tour.  Dave was very informative about what was in season and the organic processes that they use.

The kitchen garden supplies herbs, fruit and vegetables to both restaurants; Wickens at Royal Mail and the Parker Street Project. Dave explained that up to 80% of the produce on the Wickens menu is grown onsite and harvested daily by the kitchen team. For instance, potatoes, garlic, onions and leafy greens.

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