We all want to see our favourite businesses survive these uncertain times. Here are 4 simple ways to support local business.
1. Shop Local
Buy from the fabulous folks of the Grampians. Purchase from the makers, the creatives, and growers. Small businesses are really struggling. If the option isn’t available, or you are not in a position to shop locally, there are numerous other ways to show support.
Shop local to support those who support us
2. engage and connect
Comment on posts, stories and blogs. Respond to polls and questions so that your favourite account doesn’t feel like they are just talking to themselves. Tag your friends in a post if you think it is something that they might be interested in.
Like and Share posts. Instagram and Facebook have a share button. Share a post to your story or send a Direct Message (DM) to someone in your community to help spread the word. By your community, I mean your work colleagues, friends, family and online community. You don’t have to have a large social media following or a public account to make an impact.
Shoutouts. Let your community know about that local business, service and producer that you love. For example, highlight an artist, café, hairdresser, farmer, shop keeper, baker, wine maker etc. A shoutout from a trusted source is one of the best recommendations.
Follow hashtags. It is difficult to support local if you don’t know what the region has to offer. Local hashtags that are specific to the region help you discover more people, special places and businesses. For instance, here are some examples to follow on Instagram #supportlocalgrampians #grampiansproducers #madethegrampiansway #eatdrinkwest #grampiansproduce
Join groups and support local events. It is an opportunity to get involved and build connections. Events can benefit individuals, businesses and the wider community. If an event is to be rescheduled, consider a credit instead of a refund.
The speakers at Rural Women’s Day 2019
3. communicate
Write a review on Google, Facebook, Tripadvisor. Many people read online reviews before making a purchase. Rate businesses, products and services you love with 5 stars. Help others make a better buying decision. In other words, share your experience and let others know how happy you are with the service/product.
Write a review saying how much you enjoyed the service/product
Word of mouth. The upside of living in a rural community like the Grampians, is that word of mouth goes a long way. Therefore tell your community (friends, family and colleagues) about the excellent service you received. The product you love and the places they should visit.
Show your appreciation. If you don’t want to write a review, support local business by saying thank you. Similarly, send a note or private message to let them know you are thinking of them and you appreciate what they do.
Sign up for newsletters. Stay up up-to-date on the latest developments from local businesses. Don’t underestimate the impact you can have by supporting businesses and giving them hope.
4. Share your skills and knowledge
Collaborations. Let them know about an opportunity they may not be aware of. Suggest a collaboration. For instance, you may know of local producer that would complement their offerings.
Provide content. Do you have a story or a great photo of a product/service? Why not forward it on to the business or send a message to Grampians Eats and give permission for them to use it. If you want to be credited, include your details. If not, state that you are happy for it to be used without acknowledging the source.
Made The Grampians Way logo supplied by Grampians Tourism
Support initiatives and provide feedback. Made the Grampians Way is an initiative focusing on local products and produce. On the Visit Grampians website there is a Shop online webpage and Enjoying wine the Grampians Way blog. Keep an eye out, Grampians Tourism have confirmed there will be more to follow. #MadeTheGrampiansWay
Business as unusual at the Balmoral Post Office
Have you seen the ‘Business as unusual’ signage (as pictured above)? As a result of coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions, these decals and posters are designed to promote local businesses and how they have adapted. You can provide feedback via the Southern Grampians website.
Grampians eats
My name is Kate Eats. Grampians Eats is a play on my name and where I live. It is my way of painting a picture of our wonderful region, engaging with the community and helping businesses. Grampians Eats promotes special places, Grampians made and the fabulous folks of the Grampians.
Businesses cannot pay to be appear on Grampians Eats. Individuals, cafes, creatives, shop owners, event organisers, photographers etc can tag #grampianseats or #supportlocalgrampians to be considered for coverage. Alternatively, you can send me a direct message via Facebook or Instagram.
I love it when people engage with my account. When I am out and about at events and in shops, I ask permission before taking photos. When I first started doing this, some people questioned my motives. Whereas now people say, “Go for it, I follow you on Instagram”.
support local grampians campaign
My heart goes out to businesses trying to adapt and change in these stressful times. Local business is essential for providing employment and helping our economy grow and thrive. I want to ensure the survival of our rural communities now and in the future. For this reason, I started the #supportlocalgrampians awareness raising campaign.
To sum up, it doesn’t cost anything to support local. If you have found this blog useful, please tell people about it. The more this is shared and promoted, hopefully the more our community will engage, connect, and communicate to support businesses. Together we can help people feel visible and valued.
I’m trying to take people on the journey with me, promoting the region. I’m still testing what works and what doesn’t. Is there anything I have missed? I would love to hear your suggestions on how to support local business, so please comment below.
Thanks for your insightful blog. Some excellent tips to help us all support local.
Even if it gives one business hope, it is worth it. Thank you for your kind words Simone, I really appreciate it.
Great ideas to support local businesses right across Victoria.
Thanks Kath, yes I have focused on examples in the Grampians, but it is relevant in all communities. We hope to see you in the Grampians again soon x