Every day my eldest daughter and I play a game where we chat about her 3 favourite things, what she liked most about her day. We play this in the car on our way home or as we lay in her bed at the end of the day. It always amazes me the little things that matter most to her. I try to predict her responses, but often my guesses don’t appear in her list.
My daughters sitting under a tree on our farm
cherish the simple things
We recently went to a tourist attraction and the highlight for her, was seeing the street lights on our way home. Nothing at the tourist attraction got a mention! She had a wonderful time, however was more excited by the lights. Often examples she gives are to do with nature or craft. Picking tomatoes in the garden, drawing a picture or digging holes while Mum took the washing off the line. Finding an autumn leaf that had changed colour, or a dandelion on the way to the mailbox. Such simple things that I would take for granted are the highlights of her day.
Dandelion…make a wish Helping a turtle cross the road
family traditions
I’m looking forward to playing it with my baby when she is a bit older and can understand the concept. My daughters are 2 and 3½ years old. It is such a delightful age. The saying is true, the days are long, however the years are short. Parenting is a tough job. Like most parents I spend a lot of my time negotiating, nagging and every now and then yelling! It is a nice way to end the day connecting and focusing on the positives.
Some of her answers melt my heart, it is a beautiful way to bond. Playing the favourite things game doesn’t add time to our day, it does add connection. My daughter sometimes asks what my favourite things are. Truthfully, it would be that exact moment, playing 3 favourite things. Watching her smile as she thinks about her answers, laughing as she shares her stories and gives me cuddles.
Do you have any bonding tips or great ways of connecting? If so, I would love to read them in the comments below.
Love this Kate! However after a particular tough parenting night… my favourite thing was not that the screaming had finally stopped, but his peaceful breathing and little nose as he finally fell asleep!
Loving your blogs! ❤️
Thanks Jodie, there is something magical about a sleeping child. I am feeling your pain regarding tough parenting nights. Ruby woke at 3.15am yesterday morning and didn’t go back to sleep for an hour. It wasn’t ideal especially as we were sleeping over at Grandma’s in the Retirement Village!